Saturday, November 18, 2017

Rent or Buy?

If you are trying to decide whether to buy a home, you want a complete picture. Most online calculators focus on monthly payments and miss the bigger picture. The Rent or Buy calculator app takes that to the next level by including investments and opportunity costs on an equal basis between a renter and homeowner. Don't neglect the opportunity cost of that hefty down payment, or the cost of home maintenance!

How does it work? Consider home-owner Jane and renter Joe. On day 1, Jane pays $40,000 for her down payment and $3,000 in closing costs for her new $200,000 home. Joe pays a $1,000 deposit to rent an equivalently sized house and invests the difference of $42,000 in diversified index funds.

Joe's rent is $1,000 per month for the first year, and Jane's mortgage payment is fixed at $752. However, her total cost the first month is $970, including tax savings, insurance, property tax, and maintenance. Her costs are $30 less than Joe's, so she invests the difference each month to keep the comparison fair. Inflation increases Jane's taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs, and causes Joe's rent goes up every year. Jane's house also increases in value. In this scenario Jane pays less than Joe every month, so she is investing the difference each month while Joe's initial investment continues to grow.

After 30 years, who has a higher net worth; Joe or Jane? In this case, they both have about $620,000, but Jane has a lot of her net worth in her house.

Put in your numbers and see how your comparison comes out in your housing market!

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Friday, November 3, 2017

Epic Smashball

Sometimes it's fun to revive the classics. This new take on the Pong arcade game adds new challenges and brings the arcade to your phone. Four difficulty settings and over 100 levels with obstacles and other challenges make it a great way to kill some time on your phone or tablet.

Give it a try, and see if you can be the first to beat the Extreme AI!

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This app does not transmit any of the data you enter, it is stored locally and not shared with any other parties. The app shows a few banner ads to cover our costs, which use your advertising ID. If you are in the GDPR, you are automatically opted out of this and shown non-personalized ads.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

What's it Cost?

Waiting in line at Starbucks to grab some coffee, I sometimes think about how much this is costing me in the long term. Well now there's an app for that!

Fans of Mr. Money Mustache, early retirement, saving money, and building wealth love to see how lifestyle changes can help in the long run. Use this fun app to see how much your daily lunch out or coffee trip could be costing you in the long run in dollars, TVs, cars, and more.

That $10 lunch out you grab every workday? Over $40,000 in ten years (50 flat screen TVs or 60% of a Tesla Model S).

The $3/day coffee habit? Over $12,000 in ten years.

Start punching in your daily purchases and find your way to financial independence!

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New Child Growth Tracker App

Child Growth Tracker has moved to its own page, here!

My new growth tracker app is in the Google Play store! After needing to track percentiles for both my kids and not finding many good options for doing so that included gestational age curves, I decided to make my own.

Record multiple children's weight, height, and head circumference measurements and use them to generate growth charts and percentiles from birth to up to 20 years of age. 

Both the CDC and WHO charts are included, as well as the Fenton gestational age charts for pre-term babies or ultrasound measurements. All percentiles are calculated using the same high accuracy LMS method doctor's offices often use.

You can save images of your child's charts or percentile tables to share, put in a baby book, or take along to discuss with your child's doctor.